कामाकूरा दैबत्सू - महान बुद्ध
२१ ज़ुलै २००७
Kamakura Daibatsu- Great buddha.
21 July 2007
Ryukoji Temple (Jakkozan Ryukoji)
In Japan, a mother who has lost her child, may adopt a Jizo statue and adorn it with red robes and care for it as if it was her own living baby. Traditionally (or ideally), this practice must have been limited to red robes, but in reality - today at least and in the places I have visited - the materials involved are much more numerous, colorful and surprising. So, while there are many interesting paths to follow exploring what and who Jizo is or have been, I think the statues and the relating practices first and foremost witness an undeniable affective interaction with counter-intuitive agents done by normal, modern - and most Japanese would say secular - Nihonjin. ....
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