Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Sunshine is bright..

Sunshine is bright..
The grass standing tall.
Leaves lit with autumn light,
Getting ready for Fall.

Originally uploaded by rohidas_gaonkar

निशिज़ावा: झरनो भरा स्वर्ग !!!

Nishizawa: A place full of untouched waterfalls!!!

निशिज़वा, यमानाशी

२८ अक्तूबर २००७।

Nishizawa Keiokyo

Yamanshi, Japan.

28 October 2007.

Nishizawa trek was a refreshing experience. Can be called as a trekking place for amateur trekkers. After spending hours running, to catch up with time on the weekdays; Nishizawa welcomes you to forget all that stress and have some peace of mind.

The sky was the blue and the climate pleasant. Autumns has just reached its peak here in Japan and weekend getaways are getting more and more colorful. The Ravine of Nishizawa is like a miniature heaven. The emrald blue waters of the five step waterfall is breath taking.

Mother nature was blooming with autumn foilage, adding to the beauty of the waterfall.

The waterfall is also know as Nanatsugama - Godan-no-Taki here in Japanese. Source http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e6951.html

The way goes through narrow paths along the river bank, with bridges

at regular intervals. I didnt count but there were supposedly 48 bridges along the 10 Km trek., unbelievable!!!

At one point we got a traffic jam. That was never expected on a trek atleast.

We had a simliar experience while trekking mount Fuji.

Later it turned out because of a old bridge on the way. As the japanese could read (thankfully) that the bridge could support weight of one person only. So everyone was crossing cautiously.

At the next turn the white foamy water was splashing over a emrald pond down under was a picture perfectly remembered.
The return journey was quick with minds still fresh with the splashing sound of the crystal clear waterfalls and brooks. The trek ended with eating soba at a local restaurant. The people there were quite warm and helpful. They have been nice to genkai's (foreigners) for years. It was time to say sayonara to the ravine still gushing with flowing water in the dark twilight.

For one-day trek Nishizawa is the place; the time has to be Autumn peak
You are all set for the best time of your life!!!

Monday, 15 October 2007

मैजी जिन्गुं, हराजुकू

जपान का पारम्परिक वेश
हाराजुकू पार्क, टोकियो
१३ अक्तूबर २००७

Traditional japanese dress.
Harajuku park, Tokyo.
13 october 2007

It was a lazy saturday afternoon.

Had nothing in mind I visited the Harajuku park.

There was a japanese wedding happening.

The attendees were in their traditional dress.

Its called as a Yukata.

Here is are small child wearing Yukata.

Yukata is Kimono generally made up of cotton. The ocassions can be weddings, at onsens, in Summer strolls etc.

Below is what we can see the "Tradition" meets "Youth"

Thursday, 4 October 2007

महायुद्ध की विरासत

शांति स्मारक,
हिरोशिमा, जपान
२९ अप्रैल २००७

Peace memorial,
Hiroshima, Japan.
29 April 2007.

द्वितीय महायुद्ध के दौरान प्रथमतः अणुबम्ब का उपयोग मे लाया गया।

'लिटिल बॉय' नमक अणुबम्ब हिरोशिमा पर गिराया गया।

उद्योग और व्यवसाय के लिए "हिरोशिमा राज्य औद्योगिक प्रोत्साहन केंद्र" काफी मशहूर था।

६ अगस्त १९४५ मे प्रातः ८:१५ को अमेरिकन विमान बि२९ बोंम्बेर ने इसी ईमारत के थिक ऊपर हवा मे ६०० मीटर की उंचाई पर बम्ब छोड़ा। सारा हिरोशिमा तहस नहस हो गया। काफी तादात मे लोग मरे गए।

उस धमाके को सहने के के बाद ईमारत का कुछ हिस्सा बचा। उससी हिस्से को आज "ए-बम्ब डोम" कहते है।

उस दिन और उन मसुमो मे यह याद मे यह स्मारक बनाया गया है।

यहा यह अग्नी सदा जलता रहता है।

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

सर्दियों कि एक शाम


नकानो, टोकियो

१३ जनवरी २००७


Nakano, Tokyo

13 January 2007.

Its winter out there. The days are shorter and nights longer. The wind is chilly with tempratures as low as 2 degrees on some days.

This is a sunset at the Haiwanomori park, Nakano. That day the sky was clear and the sunset orange-red. Felt as if god has himself painted the scene for me to capture. Never was a sunset as beautiful as in this picture.

Monday, 1 October 2007

शिन्काँसेन से सफ़र

बुल्लेट ट्रेन के देश मे

टोकियो स्टेशन।

१५ अप्रैल २००७

In the land of Bullet trains.

Tokyo Station.

15 April 2007.

जपान मे सबसे पहले बुल्लेट ट्रेन का अविष्कार हुवा।

तबसे ले कर आज तक जापानियों ने काफी तरक्की कर ली है।

जपान मे आज विभिन्न तरह कि शिन्काँसेन चलती है , नोजोमी, हिकारी, कोदोमा आदि।

मेरा पहला शिन्काँसेन सफ़र था टोकियो से निक्को तक का।

मुझे आज भी याद है। जिस शिन्काँसेन से हमे सफ़र करना था मई उसीकी तस्वीर खीच रह था।

मेरे साथियों ने पुचताच करने पर पता चला कि वह हमारी ही शिन्काँसेन थी जो अब जा चुकी थी।

हमे उस आरक्षित टिकट पुर अब अन-आरक्षित डिब्बे मे सफ़र करना पड़ा।

मुह्जे आश्चर्य हुवा कि हमे डब्बे मे जगह मिल भी गयी।

डब्बा काफी साफ था। लग रह था कि किसी हवाई जहाज मे चढे हो।

मेरा पहल्र शिन्काँसेन सफ़र काफी रोमांचित था।

खिड़की मे मैंने झाका। हम हवा कि गति से शहर-गाव फिचे छोड़े जा रह थे।